Fact Sheet FS1 Section 3a (High Risk Foods)

Fact Sheet 3a: High Risk Foods

Food can become unsafe for human consumption if harmful bacteria multiply on the food. When high-risk food is stored at the incorrect temperature for too long, bacteria can increase to dangerous levels, these bacteria can then produce toxins that cause food poisoning.

Cross-contamination from high-risk foods, raw food or unhygienic handling can also cause food poisoning.

Dangerous substances can contaminate food this can be caused by chemicals (such as cleaning agents, detergents and pesticides) and other things that should not be in food (such as dirt, hair, glass or stones).

The risk of food becoming unsafe in your business will depend on the types of food you sell and how you and others in the business store, prepare and handle food.

What are ‘high-risk’ foods?

High Risk Foods can be:

  • Meat
  • Seafood
  • Poultry
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products
  • Small goods

Or foods that contain these items for example:

  • Sandwiches
  • Quiches
  • Prepared salads

Some foods become high risk after they are cooked, such as:

  • Noodles
  • Rice
  • Pasta
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