Fact Sheet FSS Section 12 (Implement a Food Safety Program)

What is a Food Safety Supervisor?

A nominated Food Safety Supervisor (FSS) is currently a legislative requirement for all food businesses in Victoria and NSW, and Queensland. Although not a requirement in other States or Territories yet, there is an obligation that supervisors in food enterprises have received sufficient training to perform their job roles.


Because of this, most pro-active food businesses decide that their Supervisors need to achieve accreditation in the SITXFSA001A unit as part of their internal training policy.


A FSS is a person nominated by the owner of a food business to their local Council to supervise food handling staff, and identify food safety hazards in the workplace. An employee may only be nominated by a business if they have completed accredited training with a Registered Training Organisation.


A FSS may be the business owner, manager, employee (eg chef) or an external contractor (eg a person contracted to perform food service operations as part of a food business), provided they meet the criteria detailed above. For a small business, it may be most appropriate for the business owner to be the nominated FSS.


A Food Safety Supervisor must:

-Have the correct Units of Competency issued from a Registered Training Organisation. The Units of Competency are specific to the work sector, including: Health Care, Retail, Hospitality and Food Processing.

-Have the ability and the authority to supervise and instruct other food handlers on safe food handling practices

-Know how to identify a food safety hazard, prevent food safety hazards, and take action to alleviate hazards where required.

-Ensure that staff members inform you if they suspect food has become unsafe to serve.

-Ensure that staff members report if they have any illness that might cause contamination.

-Make sure staff understand their responsibility and level of authority to dispose of any food or equipment
i.e chipped crockery.

-Replace cracked or badly scratched utensils. Germs live in cracks in cups and dishes and scratches in plastic containers and cutting boards.


Implement a Food Safety Program

Source reputable and registered suppliers- supplier agreement download sample from www.cft.com.au


Inducting New Staff
Food Safety Practices and General Requirements Standard 3.2.2  

Induct the worker to the workplace culture, attitudes and values towards food safety, and give them an opportunity to practice and implement the new skills related to food safety they have learnt through their training.
Use the Staff training record and demonstraion skills checklist to maintain you training recrods and check staff current skills  and knowledge - download sample from www.cft.com.au
Staff training record and skills checklist - download sample from www.cft.com.au


Food Recall Procedure
Recalled products must be taken out of stock and be clearly labelled “Return to Supplier” so they wont be used by mistake. You must have a system for recalled products in writing and available on request. Use the system if products are recalled.

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