Fact Sheet FSS Section 14 (Record Keeping)

Record Keeping

Principle 6 : Establish record keeping procedures.
Records documenting the monitoring of critical control points, critical limits, verification activities, and the handling of processing deviations.

Record keeping is very important.
You need records to confirm that the Food Safety Program is working correctly. Records provide evidence that you have taken reasonable cautions to keep your food safe. Sample records can be found in the CFT knowledge base .

Make sure that all staff members understand:

  • What to record
  • When to record it
  • Who will record it
  • Who will check that records are complete
  • Who will help if something goes wrong and if equipment is not working
  • Where records should be stored
  • How long records should be stored for.

You may have to show these completed records to the environmental health officer from your local council, so you must keep them on the premises. Review completed records to identify any problems . You must retain the completed records for at least two years.

see sample records attached

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