NSW Fact Sheet 14 (Review your Food Safety Program)
Internal Audits
Food businesses are required to conduct an internal review their food safety program on a regular basis to ensure
it is still adequate for the food business.
The person who undertakes the review should be someone familiar with the food safety program, the business’s
operations and have the authority to check records and act on the outcomes. Any changes or improvements to
processes and procedures need to be documented and staff trained if required.
External audits
Applicable for licensed-businesses only
The licensing and audit process
•The Authority is responsible for ensuring the regulations are being implemented by licensed businesses. To do this, the Authority:
•LICENSES a business to operate
•provides guidelines to business on how to implement and maintain a FOOD SAFETY PROGRAM
•provides INFORMATION on food legislation and food safety programs
•inspects a food business and checks that there is a food safety program and that food safety is being maintained to a specified level. This is the AUDIT.
•If a licensed business returns an unacceptable result at a compliance (regular) audit, the Authority undertakes follow up audits and if necessary ENFORCES the Food Act 2003 and Food Regulation 2010.