Online Study Tips
Are you new to online learning? Are you in need of some helpful advice on how to successfully study online?
You may find it useful to read our tips on how to achieve online, “with no worries!”
1. Get to know the course you are studying
As soon as possible, get to know about the course you are studying, this allows you to be a step ahead in achieving, as you will gain a better understanding of what is to be expected of you throughout your learning journey. How?
Check out any information available relating to:
the course description
the course objectives
the course requirements
the course units
the media and technology required
Trainer contact information
2. Become acquainted with your online course
If you are not too comfortable with computers, make sure you allow yourself time to get used to working online.
Navigate and become familiar with your course. Remember if you have any worries; just call your course trainer who will conduct a course introduction with you.
3. Be sure to manage your time effectively
Although you have the convenience of not having to attend classes, you will still have to set aside regular time for studying.
Make sure you commit a certain number of hours per week to your course.
Remember you have a set time for your course, and you have the decision to achieve your qualification at a pace and time that suits you!
4. Learn to crack the whip to ensure you remain self-motivated and self-disciplined
Set regular goals and deadlines and stick to them.
Set some interim deadlines instead of waiting to the last minute to start assignments.
When you set yourself goals, make sure they are realistic
You must avoid procrastination.
5. Find an appropriate environment for study
Find a quiet comfortable place free from distractions that you can use specifically for studying.
Create a work atmosphere e.g. by working at a desk.
Try to avoid using your study place for relaxing or social activities such as chatting, writing letters etc.
Keep your work place free from clutter.
6. Stay in touch with your personal tutor
Contact your personal trainer regularly either by our toll free number or email.
Be sure to seek immediate assistance from your personal trainer if you do not understand the course content or are experiencing any other difficulties. Remember your trainer is there for support!
If you have an unusual circumstance that hinders your work and prevents you from studying please contact your trainer immediately.