What RSA course do I need to do?

If you want to work serving alcohol in Western Australia, Queensland and Northern Territory you need the nationally accredited Responsible Service of Alcohol Course code: SITHFAB002.  Upon completion of your RSA training you will receive the nationally accredited Responsible Service of Alcohol  certificate Course code: SITHFAB002.

You can enrol here to begin your course online.


If you want to work serving alcohol in South Australia, you need to do your RSA training with an organisation approved by the South Australian government.  CFT is fully approved by the South Australian government to deliver RSA training online in South Australia.  You can view our approval here.  Upon completion of your RSA training you will receive the nationally accredited Responsible Service of Alcohol  certificate Course code: SITHFAB002.

You can enrol here to begin your course online.


If you want to work serving alcohol in Victoria you must hold a VCGLR RSA certificate delivered by an approved training organisation.  CFT has been approved by the VCGLR to deliver RSA training to those working in Victoria.  See our VCGLR approval here. Upon completion of RSA training you will receive two (2) certificates; (1) the nationally accredited Responsible Service of Alcohol certificate Course code: SITHFAB002and (2) the VCGLR RSA certificate – this certificate is required for those working in alcohol service in Victoria.

You can enrol here to begin your ONLINE Victorian RSA course now.


 You will need to keep your Victorian RSA up to date by doing a free refresher course every three(3) years.

How long are RSA valid for Vic?  Three (3) years.

  • CFT is a fully accredited training organisation, you can view our scope of training here 



NSW students need to contact their state based authority.

ACT and Tasmania - need a local class.

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